

Namespace: PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects

The names of the op-codes.

public enum OpCodeName

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumOpCodeName
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Name Value Description
Dictionary 0 Pseudo op-code for the name of a dictionary.
b 1 Close, fill, and stroke path using non-zero winding number rule.
B 2 Fill and stroke path using non-zero winding number rule.
bx 3 Close, fill, and stroke path using even-odd rule.
Bx 4 Fill and stroke path using even-odd rule.
BDC 5 (PDF 1.2) Begin marked-content sequence with property list
BI 6 Begin inline image object.
BMC 7 (PDF 1.2) Begin marked-content sequence.
BT 8 Begin text object.
BX 9 (PDF 1.1) Begin compatibility section.
c 10 Append curved segment to path (three control points).
cm 11 Concatenate matrix to current transformation matrix.
CS 12 (PDF 1.1) Set color space for stroking operations.
cs 13 (PDF 1.1) Set color space for nonstroking operations.
d 14 Set line dash pattern.
d0 15 Set glyph width in Type 3 font.
d1 16 Set glyph width and bounding box in Type 3 font.
Do 17 Invoke named XObject.
DP 18 (PDF 1.2) Define marked-content point with property list.
EI 19 End inline image object.
EMC 20 (PDF 1.2) End marked-content sequence.
ET 21 End text object.
EX 22 (PDF 1.1) End compatibility section.
f 23 Fill path using non-zero winding number rule.
F 24 Fill path using non-zero winding number rule (deprecated in PDF 2.0).
fx 25 Fill path using even-odd rule.
G 26 Set gray level for stroking operations.
g 27 Set gray level for nonstroking operations.
gs 28 (PDF 1.2) Set parameters from graphics state parameter dictionary.
h 29 Close subpath.
i 30 Set flatness tolerance.
ID 31 Begin inline image data
j 32 Set line join style.
J 33 Set line cap style
K 34 Set CMYK color for stroking operations.
k 35 Set CMYK color for nonstroking operations.
l 36 Append straight line segment to path.
m 37 Begin new subpath.
M 38 Set miter limit.
MP 39 (PDF 1.2) Define marked-content point.
n 40 End path without filling or stroking.
q 41 Save graphics state.
Q 42 Restore graphics state.
re 43 Append rectangle to path.
RG 44 Set RGB color for stroking operations.
rg 45 Set RGB color for nonstroking operations.
ri 46 Set color rendering intent.
s 47 Close and stroke path.
S 48 Stroke path.
SC 49 (PDF 1.1) Set color for stroking operations.
sc 50 (PDF 1.1) Set color for nonstroking operations.
SCN 51 (PDF 1.2) Set color for stroking operations (ICCBased and special color spaces).
scn 52 (PDF 1.2) Set color for nonstroking operations (ICCBased and special color spaces).
sh 53 (PDF 1.3) Paint area defined by shading pattern.
Tx 54 Move to start of next text line.
Tc 55 Set character spacing.
Td 56 Move text position.
TD 57 Move text position and set leading.
Tf 58 Set text font and size.
Tj 59 Show text.
TJ 60 Show text, allowing individual glyph positioning.
TL 61 Set text leading.
Tm 62 Set text matrix and text line matrix.
Tr 63 Set text rendering mode.
Ts 64 Set text rise.
Tw 65 Set word spacing.
Tz 66 Set horizontal text scaling.
v 67 Append curved segment to path (initial point replicated).
w 68 Set line width.
W 69 Set clipping path using non-zero winding number rule.
Wx 70 Set clipping path using even-odd rule.
y 71 Append curved segment to path (final point replicated).
QuoteSingle 72 Move to next line and show text.
QuoteDouble 73 Set word and character spacing, move to next line, and show text.
QuoteDbl 73 Set word and character spacing, move to next line, and show text.