

Namespace: PdfSharp.UniversalAccessibility

PDF Block Level Element tags for Universal Accessibility.

public enum PdfBlockLevelElementTag

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumPdfBlockLevelElementTag
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Name Value Description
P 0 (Paragraph) A low-level division of text.
Paragraph 0 A low-level division of text.
H 1 (Heading) A label for a subdivision of a document’s content. It should be the first child of the division that it heads.
Heading 1 A label for a subdivision of a document’s content. It should be the first child of the division that it heads.
H1 2 Headings with specific levels, for use in applications that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting. Obsolete: Use Heading1 etc. instead.
H2 3 Headings with specific levels, for use in applications that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting. Obsolete: Use Heading1 etc. instead.
H3 4 Headings with specific levels, for use in applications that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting. Obsolete: Use Heading1 etc. instead.
H4 5 Headings with specific levels, for use in applications that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting. Obsolete: Use Heading1 etc. instead.
H5 6 Headings with specific levels, for use in applications that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting. Obsolete: Use Heading1 etc. instead.
H6 7 Headings with specific levels, for use in applications that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting. Obsolete: Use Heading1 etc. instead.
Heading1 2 Headings with specific level 1, for use in applications that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting.
Heading2 3 Headings with specific level 2, for use in applications that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting.
Heading3 4 Headings with specific level 3, for use in applications that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting.
Heading4 5 Headings with specific level 4, for use in applications that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting.
Heading5 6 Headings with specific level 5, for use in applications that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting.
Heading6 7 Headings with specific level 6, for use in applications that cannot hierarchically nest their sections and thus cannot determine the level of a heading from its level of nesting.
L 8 (List) A sequence of items of like meaning and importance. Its immediate children should be an optional caption (structure type Caption).
List 8 A sequence of items of like meaning and importance. Its immediate children should be an optional caption (structure type Caption).
Lbl 9 (Label) A name or number that distinguishes a given item from others in the same list or other group of like items. In a dictionary list, for example, it contains the term being defined; in a bulleted or numbered list, it contains the bullet character or the number of the list item and associated punctuation.
Label 9 A name or number that distinguishes a given item from others in the same list or other group of like items. In a dictionary list, for example, it contains the term being defined; in a bulleted or numbered list, it contains the bullet character or the number of the list item and associated punctuation.
LI 10 (List item) An individual member of a list. Its children may be one or more labels, list bodies, or both (structure types Lbl or LBody; see below).
ListItem 10 An individual member of a list. Its children may be one or more labels, list bodies, or both (structure types Lbl or LBody; see below).
LBody 11 (List body) The descriptive content of a list item. In a dictionary list, for example, it contains the definition of the term. It can either contain the content directly or have other BLSEs, perhaps including nested lists, as children.
ListBody 11 The descriptive content of a list item. In a dictionary list, for example, it contains the definition of the term. It can either contain the content directly or have other BLSEs, perhaps including nested lists, as children.
Table 12 A two-dimensional layout of rectangular data cells, possibly having a complex substructure. It contains either one or more table rows (structure type TR) as children; or an optional table head (structure type THead) followed by one or more table body elements (structure type TBody) and an optional table footer (structure type TFoot). In addition, a table may have an optional caption (structure type Caption) as its first or last child.
TR 13 (Table row) A row of headings or data in a table. It may contain table header cells and table data cells (structure types TH and TD).
TableRow 13 A row of headings or data in a table. It may contain table header cells and table data cells (structure types TH and TD).
TH 14 (Table header cell) A table cell containing header text describing one or more rows or columns of the table.
TableHeaderCell 14 A table cell containing header text describing one or more rows or columns of the table.
TD 15 (Table data cell) A table cell containing data that is part of the table’s content.
TableDataCell 15 A table cell containing data that is part of the table’s content.
THead 16 (Table header row group; PDF 1.5) A group of rows that constitute the header of a table. If the table is split across multiple pages, these rows may be redrawn at the top of each table fragment (although there is only one THead element).
TableHeadRowGroup 16 (PDF 1.5) A group of rows that constitute the header of a table. If the table is split across multiple pages, these rows may be redrawn at the top of each table fragment (although there is only one THead element).
TBody 17 (Table body row group; PDF 1.5) A group of rows that constitute the main body portion of a table. If the table is split across multiple pages, the body area may be broken apart on a row boundary. A table may have multiple TBody elements to allow for the drawing of a border or background for a set of rows.
TableBodyRowGroup 17 (PDF 1.5) A group of rows that constitute the main body portion of a table. If the table is split across multiple pages, the body area may be broken apart on a row boundary. A table may have multiple TBody elements to allow for the drawing of a border or background for a set of rows.
TFoot 18 (Table footer row group; PDF 1.5) A group of rows that constitute the footer of a table. If the table is split across multiple pages, these rows may be redrawn at the bottom of each table fragment (although there is only one TFoot element.)
TableFooterRowGroup 18 (PDF 1.5) A group of rows that constitute the footer of a table. If the table is split across multiple pages, these rows may be redrawn at the bottom of each table fragment (although there is only one TFoot element.)