

Namespace: PdfSharp.Pdf

Determines the encoding of a PdfString or PdfStringObject.

public enum PdfStringEncoding

Inheritance ObjectValueTypeEnumPdfStringEncoding
Implements IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Name Value Description
RawEncoding 0 The characters of the string are actually bytes with an unknown or context specific meaning or encoding. With this encoding the 8 high bits of each character is zero.
StandardEncoding 1 Not yet used by PDFsharp.
PDFDocEncoding 2 The characters of the string are actually bytes with PDF document encoding. With this encoding the 8 high bits of each character is zero.
WinAnsiEncoding 3 The characters of the string are actually bytes with Windows ANSI encoding. With this encoding the 8 high bits of each character is zero.
MacRomanEncoding 5 Not yet used by PDFsharp.
MacExpertEncoding 5 Not yet used by PDFsharp.
Unicode 6 The characters of the string are Unicode characters.